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Saltwater fish

Miniatus Grouper

Miniatus Grouper

Regular price 82.89
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Miniatus Grouper

Miniatus Grouper, also known as the Miniata Grouper, Coral or Blue-Spot Rockcod, Coral Hind, and Coral Grouper, is a common and popular fish along the coral reefs.The Miniatus Grouper is a large and very hardy fish which requires a large aquarium of 180 gallons orIt can be compatible with other fish provided they are too large to be when full grown. 

  • Scientific Name: Cephalopholis Miniatus
  • Family: Serranidae
  • Origin: Indonesia ,Fiji and Sri Lanka
  • Food: freeze-dried krill soaked in Selcon, feeder goldfish, or squid are acceptable.
  • Shipping Size:  2 to 3 inches / 7 to 8 inches
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